Manufactures & distributors of Construction chemicals, Solvents, Waxes & Speciality Materials

Best Quality, Best Value

With Permanite you get the best value & highest quality products that adhere to SABS and ISO 9001:2015 standards...

Reputation of Excellent Service

Many satisfied Partnerships

Guided by Commitment

Team of Qualified & Supportive Professionals

Our Mission

We pledge to provide all of our customers with quality products of international standards, as well as the best advise and support for all our customers. Big or small we promise to provide the best service and products at the best rates... guaranteed !!

All products and services conform to SABS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standards.

As an organisation we wish not only for our growth, but also for the growth of our customers.

Our organisation and staff endeavour and pride ourselves with our commitment to our customers and maintaining great, long lasting relationships with them.


Some of the products and services we offer ...


Our Products

All products and services conform to SABS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standards ...


Construction Products

A huge variey and range of construction products & chemicals for domestic and commercial applications!


Projects & Contracting

We have been apart of many successful projects for small, medium & large businesses all of which had different specifications & requirements


Solvents & Base Oils

Huge range of solvents such as bitumen, sealing, coating and bonding liquids.


Specialized Products

At permanite we welcome clients to enquire with us about any other specialised or customised products or services and we will make every effort to source them!


Wax Products

We stock a variety of wax & wax based products from Sasol wax,Alexwax & Petrowax to a multitude of other wax products